bassassin201 I gota show u how to hold them fish u catching .. Good Catch tho
catfishboy You're sopossed to hold them by the lip but that was the only way I could hold him. He was flipping and flopping.
bassassin201 If u leave a little more line out like 2 or 3 ft between the rod tip n the fish u will have alot more room to grab em by the lip and a better angle to do it . there gona flip n flop n u js got get a solid grip js behind the teeth so ur thumb is beyond the teeth it will help if they thrash around u wont drop em keep em low to the ground if u dont feel comfortable that way it doesn't have a long fall if u drop him .. I learned the hardway bud , js trying to save u some trouble .. If that ws a Spawning fish u would have squeezed out all her eggs , that is like depleting ur Future Bass population .. No Worries u will get it . I js try n help if i see someone might need it .. Sometimes we all need a lil help . Happy Catchin