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Carping at the Lake Round 2 Comments

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User: skoda
Comment: i had 2 peeps in my boat two ankers dug in and a carp was able to pull all of this down the river for good 50 meters - they are strong and the battle with them beats all fish for me in freshwater - i switched from 100% bass to 60-70% carp just because of the sheer force and the battles
Date: 10/25/12 02:07 PM

User: wiredtofish
Comment: trokars are awesome almost worth the money
Date: 10/22/12 09:47 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: Well, we can use 2 rods, correct? 1 for Carp and 1 with that World Clas Jig of yours. They have Big everything down the Lake. We could talk about Ice Fishing hahahahaha all kidding aside
Date: 10/22/12 09:01 PM

User: jwall046

Carp look fun to to catch,Always wanted to but never make the time.
Like Neil and Shawn would say id probably reel in the corn after 5 minutes and throw a jig. lol
Date: 10/22/12 06:06 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: I will use a little thicker hook but still Tuff fish to fish for Corn and open bail hahahahahaha I cant even bend them hooks by hand Carp have a Bonie snout and a Tail to match thier Heads HUGE
Date: 10/22/12 01:43 PM

User: sinista
Comment: You can adjust the drag, what ever you do dont reel against the drag!!! (jay you know that) let the drag do its job

Second I dont know what type of hook that is but if its a Gamakatsu you could step it up to the EWG (extra wide gap) Superline version which is much thicker that the standard EWG or change hook brand I suggest Trokar EWG the cutting point on the hook is 3 a three side chemically sharpened point, its like a razor and near indestructible, Ive had the same Trokar on my flippingstick for months and its still razpr sharp
Date: 10/22/12 01:12 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: i had the drag good and loose, just the Power of them Giants That is a first I have caught alot of 20+lbs
Date: 10/22/12 12:44 PM

User: jwall046
Comment: Do hooks get straightened by shear power or can you adjust your drag lighter?
Date: 10/22/12 12:43 PM

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