hey js curious what water do u fish for fluke , Hudson ? If so js saying cs that water is Sketchy as Hell .. Idk but I feel like it's for a reason either cs the fish are conatminated or js low population .. either way it Sucks n I hear you on that .. I guess what gets me (no offense) is ur sayin that ur gona do what u want regardless why or what the reason , but if all fiishermen had that attitude we'd all be having alot less luck in our waters poss making it harder on everyone .. Js saying ur not the only one that doesn't like it , and I'm not tryin to say ur a bad guy cs ur alright man .. Js not the only one . Fishing is something we all enjoy I can definetly identify with you on that n that some rules and regs Suck no question .. but some are there to either protect the sport or protect the species and sometimes Us .. Hope this Ice melts soon gettin that itch ,Oh wait here comes 6-10 more inches of Snow ... Great

... Happy Catching