I have a few spots i can fish on the way home from work and they are kind of secluded. They are also loaded with pikerel. 1 spot is a small lake that's really hard to get to ( woods - narrow trails ) and there's only 3 small spots you can cast out from, too many trees and limbs. I even cut a few limbs down to make it clearer. The other spot is a small lake that's a summercamp, and it's not fished too much, because you kind of have to sneak in from a small trail at the back of the lake. There's no fence stopping you at that area, but it's still camp property.
Anyway, my point is, there's this dude at work that keeps asking me to show him where i fish, and i really don't want to. He takes the same route home i do and i have to make sure he ain't behind me when i turn to get to these 2 spots. I have told him about other spots i fish, but these 2, i am keeping secret. He's sort of a dbag with a big mouth, so i don't feel bad not telling him. Just wondering if anyone else has a few secret spots they keep to themselves?

Posted Sun Dec 08, 2013 1:06 am

Sharing general areas is perfectly OK, but you have to keep a few select spot to yourself. I used to share exact locations with anglers and hunters that I thought were friends of mine. They not only got thrown off the property, they ruined it for me too. Sad

Select honey holes can be shared with family, loved ones and your dog. From my past experiences my dog has always been loyal and never gave up a honey hole, even with being bribed with treats. Wink

Posted Sun Dec 08, 2013 4:46 pm

I like t keep all my honey holes private , other than close friends or family .. I have seen too many spots get burned to know better by now . Let people do a little leg work .. They will appreciate the it that much more I feel .. Nobody put any neon signs to the spots where i caught fish , trial n error .. Like I said before , I fished puddles for days before realizing there aint no fish in it .. lol U gota experience some things yourself n find out where the fish are ... Plus ppl are Dbags like South said .. I get real pissed when I see birds nests all over 65lb braid all over , animals get caught in it .. Anyway thats js me . Nothing says Happy Holidays like being sick , time for some soup .. Happy Holidays to All !

Posted Sun Dec 08, 2013 5:15 pm

I too share as much info as I can in regards to fishing holes... but like everyone else... there are those spots I always call LAKE X... I only have a few... but like it was said above.. I worked hard to find these spots... there are too many spots that I took time to check out on maps and travel to them to find them not good for one reason or another... I made the mistake once and took a friend to one just because I wanted someone to fish with me and it is difficult to get a rowboat in there by yourself... next thing I know he is fishing it with his friends... so moral of this story is ... you tell one person.. they tell a couple others.... so on and so on.... I see nothing wrong with keeping a few spots for yourself since you probably worked hard finding them and fishing them enough to learn if they are hot spots or not....

Posted Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:47 pm

Hope you feel better Bass! I knew i wasn't the only one with a few secret honey holes, now if this dude gets a boat i will definately change my view on telling him where some spots are!

Posted Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:51 pm

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