In NJ it is near impossible to find anything free, yet here and there there are some beaches open to public for fishing. Fishing, not: bathing/swimming, partying (w/ glass bottles) and drinking, making bonfires ( and ripping into delicate and sometimes endangered species of dune plants and bushes to get wood to burn) and anything else not fishing related on a FISHING BEACH. ((burn the "NO FIRES ON BEACH" sign))

We, for the most part as fisherman(and women) respect and appreciate this "gift" in this oppressive state. Many times we see those who abuse these gifts, these persons who may be from out of state or out of country. Yet we may be asked "..why dont you say something..." ok let me set it up for you...

You see knuckleheads ( only family friendly word I can think of right now) leaving trash, half used bait, drinking, breaking up dune plants for a bonfire, etc...
You get really upset....and want to say something...
It is after dark...
You are ALONE...there is 6 of them....
You are unarmed...are they????
Will they do something to me? do they know my vehicle? will they do something to it? this time? next time?

And calling Police, may or may not do anything.... they might come out, they might not, many times they will clear/close the beach for 1 fire on the beach, and even though you are 1/2 away down the surf, you get told to pack up and get off the beach.

Calling Police may also bring negative attention in the town (residents and/or municipal government) which could have them decide to close your once free public fishing beach. They may make it a pay to fish, or a residents only, or just shut it down completely.

If the Police would enforce the rules in these places in a more fair and vigorous ways, we might see the return of peacefull, safe, and enjoyable public open spaces. A fair way to address the bonfire issue... (IMO) make the fines insanely expensive and inconvient, like $500 and comunity svc * beach cleaning* -1st offence, $1000 and loss of fishing privalges + beach cleaning-2nd offence, $2000+ beach cleaning + crimal charges for serial arson/ jail time.

Littering = comunity service beach trash cleanups then increasing fines

Dune vegitation destruction = insane fines!!!! start at $5000.00 and up from there, and then community service replanting/laboring on dune reclamation projects.

Maybe these things might drive off the a-holes that ruin all the good things in life for decent people.

Posted Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:30 pm

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